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缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。
Despite being cooked up by Compuserve back in the late 1980s, GIFs have seen a resurgence on the modern internet, mostly because they’re fun. However, all our small embedded systems are getting color screens these days, and they’d love to join in the party. [Larry Bank] has whipped up a …read more
We are saddened to report that William English, co-inventor of the computer mouse, died July 26 in San Rafael, California. He was 91 years old.
Every piece of technology starts with a vision, a vague notion of how a thing could or should be. The computer mouse is no different. …read more
Hack A Folding Bike To Help You Catch Some Pike
For many of us, this whole pandemic thing has produced some unexpected upsides. One of [George Turvey]’s was finding a nice new scenic route to work that goes by a lake with bike trails. [George] thought it might be nice to go fishing after work, and use a folding bike 番羽土啬吧
Cryptographic LCDs Use The Magic Of XOR
Digital security is always a moving target, with no one device or system every being truly secure. Whether its cryptographic systems being compromised, software being hacked, or baked-in hardware vulnerabilities, it seems there is always a hole to be found. [Max Justicz] has a taste for such topics, and decided …read more
Linux-Fu: Help Messages For Shell Scripts And Here Documents
Imagine that you want to output multiple lines of text in Bash, or any shell script. Maybe it’s for a help string for a particularly convoluted shell script you’re writing. You could have a separate
command for each line. Or you could use the “here document“.The “here document” …read more
Cheap And Effective Mosquito Trap Looks Like A Disco
Words cannot quite articulate the collective loathing humankind has for mosquitoes, and rightfully so! These parasite peddling, blood sucking little critters are responsible for a great deal of human suffering. Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria still account for a significant proportion of human mortality, especially in under-developed parts of the …read more
Europe has been in COVID-containment mode for the last month, in contrast to the prior three months of serious lockdown. Kids went back to school, in shifts, and people went on vacation to countries with similarly low infection rates. Legoland and the zoo opened back up, capped at 1/3 capacity. …read more